Getting to Know Billfish

Think you don’t know Billfish? Think again! The Billfish is a class of fish that includes Marlin, Swordfish, Sole and Sailfish. These fish are very popular with offshore fishing companies, and you have probably been to, or been invited to a fishing trip where these were the main catch. Learning about them will make your fishing expeditions more fun, and you will feel more knowledgeable when you have the rod in your hand.

How Do You Fish for Them?

Most people fish for Billfish right offshore. The fish stay in relatively shallow waters, and they swim in schools which makes them really easy to identify. This is something that you need to be prepared for; ou could get a lot of action when you go out, and you don’t want to be overwhelmed.

How Big Are They?

These fish can be really large. While fishing for Billfish, be prepared for the intensity and focus that is required. You are usually strapped into the chair on the deck of the boat because these fish probably weigh more than you do. The Billfish will put up a really good fight when you catch them. You have to be prepared for an intense fishing experience, and you need to have a plan for the fish once you catch them.

The Fishing Area

These fish are swimming in waters that are regulated, and you have to make sure that you only catch what is allowed. The State and Federal government have fishing guidelines and regulations for what you can catch, and where.
Of course, once you’ve been successful at sea, you need to make sure that you can use the whole fish. These fish could be up to a thousand pounds; if you’re planning to filet a thousand fish, you’ll need to be prepared.

You can go a little lighter if you want to catch and release all the fish you catch. Your Captain or others on deck can help you with that. The most important thing is to be prepared. Do your research, so you will have an idea of what to expect and what you will be seeing when you are on the water. All these fish are beautiful and amazing, and they are also very large and potentially dangerous. Fish with a professional to make sure you are safe while having a great experience.